How do I configure a Repository Creation Utility (RCU)?

Duration: 2 minutes

Configure RCU

The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) presumes that you have already installed a compatible database to house the repository. This example assumes that it is an Oracle 19c Database.

To configure the RCU:

  1. Open a terminal session. Start the RCU with this command: /home/opc/VDT/oracle_common/bin/rcu.
  2. Click Next in the Welcome screen to display the Create Repository screen.
  3. In the Create Repository screen, the default is Create Repository with System Load and Product Load. Click Next to continue. RCU Create Repository
  4. Enter the appropriate information to log in to your database with full privileges in the Database Connection Details screen. RCU Database Connection Details
  5. Click OK to dismiss Checking Prerequisites. Click Next to continue.
  6. If this is the first time you have run RCU, then the only option is to create a new prefix. If you have run RCU in the past, then it will increment the previous prefix by one, to form a new prefix. For example, DEV2 or DEV3. You can override the suggestion. Select Oracle GoldenGate, Veridata Repository. RCU Select Components
  7. Click OK to close Checking Prerequisites.
  8. Click Next to continue.
  9. Enter the same password twice. Many of the sample VM databases use oracle as the default password for all schemas. RCU Schema Passwords
  10. Click Next to continue to the Map Tablespaces screen. RCU Map Tablespace
  11. Accept the default tablespace allocations.
  12. Click OK in the Repository Creation Utility - Confirmation dialog box.
  13. Click Next to display Summary screen. RCU Progress Summary
  14. Click Create to display the Completion Summary screen. RCU Complete Summary
  15. Click Close to continue.

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