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Provision HPC Cluster from Oracle Marketplace Image

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop
High Performance Computing is changing product development and research enabling customers to solve complex problems faster. This means fewer prototypes, accelerates testing, and decreases time to market. Oracle offers on-demand HPC infrastructure, suitable for any HPC workload, based on the most advanced compute, storage, networking, and software technologies. You get all this at a fraction of the cost of building it yourself and avoid capacity utilization issues.

Oracle provides the most elastic and scalable cloud infrastructure to run your HPC applications. With virtually unlimited capacity, engineers, researchers, and HPC system owners can innovate beyond the limitations of on-premises HPC infrastructure. Oracle delivers an integrated suite of services that provides everything needed to quickly and easily build and manage HPC clusters in the cloud to run the most compute intensive workloads across various industry verticals. These workloads span the traditional HPC applications, like genomics, computational chemistry, financial risk modeling, computer aided engineering, seismic imaging, and weather prediction, as well as emerging applications, like machine learning, deep learning, and autonomous driving.

Workshop Info

4 hours
  • Provision HPC Cluster from Oracle MarketPlace Image
  • Use OCI CLI commands and Terraform to work with HPC
  • Run OpenFoam Projects in HPC Cluster
  • Run OpenFoam Projects in Standard VM on OCI
  • Some understanding of cloud and database terms is helpful
  • Familiarity with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is helpful
  • Familiarity with networking is helpful

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