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OCI Starter: Create Cloud Native Samples in minutes

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop
3 easy steps to create a Cloud Application using OCI Starter (opensource tool)
- Choose your preferred cloud native components
- Download the zip
- And run

The sample will be fully functional.

You may choose from the below components:
- Shape: x86 (AMD), ARM (Ampere), Free Tier (AMD)
- Infrastructure: Compute (=Virtual Machine), Instance Pool (=several Vitual Machines), Kubernetes, Container Instance or Serverless Functions,
- User interface: HTML, ReactJS, Angular, JET or APEX
- Backend: Java, NodeJS, Python, Dotnet, Go or ORDS
- For Java Frameworks: SpringBoot, Helidon, Micronaut or Tomcat
- Database: Oracle DB, ATP, PDB, Oracle Database 23c Free, MySQL, PostgreSQ, NoSQL or OpenSearch
- Infrastructure as Code: Terraform or Resource Manager

The labs 6/7/8 explains how to customize the created sample. Then advanced features like:
- GraalVM Native.
- TLS (OCI Certificates, ACME/Letsencrypt DNS-01/HTTP-01/Kubernetes cert-manager)
- Reuse existing resources
- ...

Workshop Info

30 minutes

The first 5 labs show how to create a Cloud Native Sample for your favorite type of deployment. Compute/Instance Pool/Kubernetes/Container Instance, Serverless Function. Pick the one that you need.

  • Lab 1 - Compute 
  • Lab 2 - Instance Pool
  • Lab 3 - Kubernetes
  • Lab 4 - Container Instance 
  • Lab 5 - Serverless Functions

Then, how to customize and advanced features:

  • Lab 6 - How to customize a working sample
  • Lab 7 - Group - How to group several OCI Starter applications together. Ex several pods in Kubernetes
  • Lab 8 - Advanced - Resource Manager, GraalVM Native, Existing resources, …
  • Some understanding of cloud and database terms is helpful
  • Familiarity with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is helpful

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